

Over Borders Half Marathon Lignano Sabbiadoro/Bibione Zpět k výsledkům

Dátum 06/14/25
Druh: Conference, meeting, exhibition
Místo: Lignano Sabbiadoro

Saturday 14th June takes place the second edition of Over Borders Half Marathon, involving the two beaches separated by the river Tagliamento: Lignano Sabbiadoro and Bibione. This year the start will be in Bibione and the arrival is in Lignano Sabbiadoro. As per regulations, next year the two cities will reverse arrival and departure. The race is a competitive one with a road distance of 21.097 km and all FIDAL male and female junior/prominent/senior card-carrying FIDAL members, as well as RunCard Fidal and RunCard EPS subscribers, can participate. It will be a marvellous race between sky, sea and land, joining the Veneto and Friuli beaches. For further information: